"When crossing the Ponte Vecchio in the darkness of[Pg 235]its many butcher stalls, the messenger, walking behind,leaped upon my back, seeking to throw me to the floor.He was almost instantly aided by a half-dozen men wearingblack robes and cowls covering the head, having eyeholesonly; in other words, dressed as friars of the orderof Misericordia. One of these struck me on the head witha heavy short sword, and when I regained consciousnessI learned I was a prisoner in a dungeon under thecloisters of the monastery of Agnoli. My friend, SerNuto, had engineered the capture, which had beenordered by the Bologna legate for my gross insults tohim and consequently to the church. My captors, whobelonged to the Guelph faction, had cheerfully executedthe commission because of my relationship by marriagewith the Medici family.
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