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Design and Analyze Complex PCBs with Mentor Graphics PADS 9.0 24


In some circuit boards, the solder mask may be partially or completely absent between pads. This exposes more copper than is necessary and can result in solder bridges forming accidentally between pins during the assembly process. This can result in a short, as well as reduced corrosion protection, both of which can negatively affect the functionality and longevity of the circuit board.

Thermals are small traces surrounding pads and are used to connect pads to the plane. These thermals allow the pads to more effectively disperse heat, and are important components during the soldering process. Sometimes, however, voids between the thermal and the rest of the plane, or the thermal and the pad, can result in an incomplete connection, reducing the effectiveness of the heat transfer system these thermals create. This can result in several functional problems.

mentor graphics pads 9.0 24

Starved thermals take much longer to transfer heat from pads to the rest of the plane, which can be problematic during soldering or if the circuit is under heat stress. A thermal pad with improper heat transfer may solder oddly and will take an abnormally long time to reflow, slowing down the assembly process. After manufacturing, circuit boards with starved thermals may suffer from insufficient heat transfer and may be more prone to overheating and heat damage.

I have tried lots of EDA PCB tools, and my worst experience was with Mentor Pads. An absolutely bad designed software, with lots of bugs and a terrible help system. When I work with this piece of crap I have to smoke lots of cigars to keep relaxed. The people from Mentor have absolutely no compassion for the people that are actually going to work with their tools. Because of mentor I began drinking and taking pills!!! I prefer Altium and Allegro by 20dB more than the Mentor dissaster tools.

I used to work for a big american automotive company who used DXD, it was truly the most annoying piece of software with so many bugs I have ever had the misfortune to use, astonishingly it got worse on every new release. in the 10 years I used it I aged 20!, If they had used decent cad software I may never have left the company. The cost of the hundreds of licences they were shelling out for each year probably kept mental graphics going!

Letter is the standard for business and academic documents. The Legal format is used to make legal pads. The Tabloid format (also called Ledger) is commonly used to make smaller newspapers (tabloid newspapers pages are half the size of the average newspaper).

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